It's been quite the week for Kreation Talent Agency clients!
The contracts and press releases all look very nice. But I want to give a friendly reminder not to overlook the PROCESS that went into these. Because here is what most people don't see:
It took years for these guys to EARN the contracts. Years of getting in the gym and working on their craft. Years of moving away from friends and family to work towards their dream. Consistently overcoming adversity.
It also took years for me to build up to where I am today. I didn't just casually pick up the phone and ask a team to send their best offer... I got my ass off the couch, boarded a plane, shook hands, learned the markets, immersed myself in the culture, etc. Trust me, I took many L's along the way. And those challenges are not going anywhere.
Happy for my guys. And grateful for the small W's along the way.
Here's a summary of where they are heading:
Djimon Henson signed in Finland with Vilpas
Djimon will join Vilpas for the 2023-2024 season in Finland's Korisliiga
Toyoshige Kano signed in Japan with Shibuya x Tokushima
Toyo was signed by Shibuya Sunrockers of the Japan's B.LEAGUE.
He will join the Tokushima Gambarous on a loan for the 2023-2024 season in B3
Donovan Smith signed in China with Wuhan Kunpeng
Donovan will join Wuhan Kunpeng for the 2023 season in the China's NBL